Sorry, I am getting really bad about not updating this thing. I am just so busy. I don't remember my life ever being this full back home. It's like I am trying to keep up with everyone here and back home at the same time. Hahaha. I guess its a good thing right? I am definitely not complaining because I am really enjoying life right now and definitely living it to the fullest. I never imagined that Korea would be this amazing. I remember talking to Amanda about teaching overseas. I really wanted to teach in Europe, but she suggested Korea because it paid more. I remember thinking, Asia??? I was afraid of what I would find here, but what I found is an amazing culture that is totally different from what I grew up in. I absolutely love it. I have seriously fallen in love with everything about this city and this country!!!! I love my friends that I have here. Friends are considered family. You are only called a friend if you are born in the same year. If you are not born in the same year, you are a brother or a sister. I have formed some amazing relationships with the people I workout with. I consider them my Korean family. We are really close. I love the school that I work at because I have amazing hours. I talk to the other foreign teachers that live in our neighborhood, and they have horrible hours. I love that I have time to go to the gym everyday after school. I love that I have time to hang out with friends on the weekends. I talk to some of my Korean friends, and they work so hard that they don't have much time for anything else. I talk to my friends back home, and they are working hard just to keep their jobs and make a little money. I am very thankful for my life here in Korea.
Alright now on to the World Cup has been going on for the past few weekends right? So the obvious is that Douchi and I went to the sports bar to watch the games on Friday night. Saturday, I went for a massage. It was amazing as usual! I didn't go out on Saturday night even though Korea and the US played because Sunday I had to get up at 5 am to go to the Jiu Jitsu Tourney. The tournament was so much fun!!!! I was thinking that our gym would be the only with foreigners because that's how it was at the kickboxing tourney, but I was wrong! I think because the tournament was close to Seoul that it was more of a countrywide tournament. Anyways, we walk in and almost immediately we see all of these big US Army guys. They were very good looking ;D Anyways, we sat with the gym that Kwanjungnim trained at. The guys were hilarious!!! The master of the gym told us that he had an English nickname that his friend had given him. We were thinking that it would be something like the nicknames we gave the guys at our gym (Dandy, Sweety, Cutie, Flowerboy, Pandy, Good Music Guy), but no. He said his nickname was "Sex Machine". Douchi, Mell, and I looked at each other and busted up laughing. And of course, everyone in the gym turned to look at us because girls aren't supposed to laugh wholeheartedly like we were. Korean girls giggle; they don't laugh. Whatever, it was so funny!!!! Anyways, our guys did really well in the tournament. Two of our guys got silver medals for their weight class in the gi competition, and one guy got the gold medal in the no-gi competition. Only one of our guys didn't place in the tournament. He was up against the gold medalist in the second round, but he did really well; they tied so it was the judge's decision who advanced to the next round. After the tourney, we headed back to Daejeon and had dinner with the guys before heading home. We had a really good time!!!! I am definitely looking forward to the next tournament. I am kind of nervous because Kwanjungnim wants me to compete in the next tournament. I am not sure if I am ready to compete yet. I will have to see how well I train before the tournament before I decide if I want to compete. It's kind of a bit of pressure because there is only one other girl that will compete for our gym at this tournament. We will see!
This coming weekend, I am going to Seoul with Mell on Saturday, but no other big plans so maybe I will have time to update this thing on Sunday??? We'll see! Hahaha.
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